Strings Words Characters | |||
9 585 3,558 |
All strings | Browse Translate Zen |
6 219 1,292 |
Translated strings | Browse Translate Zen |
3 366 2,266 |
Unfinished strings | Browse Translate Zen |
3 366 2,266 |
Untranslated strings | Browse Translate Zen |
3 366 2,266 |
Strings with suggestions | Browse Translate Zen |
1 40 272 |
Translated strings with dismissed checks | Browse Translate Zen |
Project website | | |
Translation process |
Source code repository |
Repository branch | main | |
Weblate repository |
File mask |
Monolingual base language file |
Translation file |
Last change | Oct. 1, 2024, 9:50 p.m. | |
Last change made by | ShogunYuno | |
Language | German | |
Language code | de | |
Text direction | Left to right | |
Case sensitivity | Case-sensitive | |
Number of speakers | 141,444,441 | |
Number of plurals | 2 | |
Plural type | One/other | |
Plurals | Singular | 1 | Plural | 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, … |
Plural formula |
n != 1
10 days ago
String statistics
Strings percent | Hosted strings | Words percent | Hosted words | Characters percent | Hosted characters | |
Total | 9 | 585 | 3,558 | |||
Translated | 66% | 6 | 37% | 219 | 36% | 1,292 |
Needs editing | 0% | 0 | 0% | 0 | 0% | 0 |
Read-only | 0% | 0 | 0% | 0 | 0% | 0 |
Failing checks | 0% | 0 | 0% | 0 | 0% | 0 |
Strings with suggestions | 33% | 3 | 62% | 366 | 63% | 2,266 |
Untranslated strings | 33% | 3 | 62% | 366 | 63% | 2,266 |
Quick numbers
and previous 30 days
Trends of last 30 days
Hosted words
Hosted strings
![]() Suggestion added |
![]() Suggestion added |
![]() Suggestion added |
![]() Changes committed |
Changes committed
7 months ago
![]() Changes committed |
Changes committed
7 months ago
![]() Suggestion accepted |
![]() Translation changed |
![]() Changes committed |
Changes committed
7 months ago
![]() Suggestion accepted |
![]() Suggestion accepted |
9 | File in original format as translated in the repository | gettext PO file (monolingual) | |||||||||||
9 | All strings, converted files enriched with comments; suitable for offline translation | Android String Resource | CSV | JSON | JSON nested structure file | gettext MO | gettext PO | iOS strings | TBX | TMX | XLIFF 1.1 with gettext extensions | XLIFF 1.1 | XLSX |
3 | Unfinished strings, converted files enriched with comments; suitable for offline translation | Android String Resource | CSV | JSON | JSON nested structure file | gettext MO | gettext PO | iOS strings | TBX | TMX | XLIFF 1.1 with gettext extensions | XLIFF 1.1 | XLSX |
Your custom character can spawn as one of dozens of crew and enemy jobs, ranging from engineer to captain, or even a traitor, each with its own unique gear. Your duties guide you through rich interactions with complex mechanics, whether you're managing your inventory, setting up the reactor, or flushing yourself down the disposal tubes.
As disaster, incompetence, and sabotage strike the station, the tension rises - opening up emergent situations that force you to make hard choices. Will you patch up the medical bay after an asteroid punches a hole in it, or fight for control when the captain gets murdered by revolutionaries? Do you break out an unjustly imprisoned clown, or sit back at the bar and serve drinks without a care in the world?
The story of the station's collapse is in the hands of its players, and each round is an intense, immersive experience that will leave you wanting more.
[h2]Beyond Space Station 14[/h2]
Space Station 14 is open-source and extremely extensible. Community servers are the backbone of the game, and can change every aspect of it to provide wildly different experiences. Altered mechanics, different roleplay atmospheres, and completely unique settings are all one click away from the server browser.
As a community project, we're always looking for more volunteers, and encourage you to help out!
Dein individueller Charakter kann als einer von Dutzenden von Crew- und Feindjobs spawnen, vom Ingenieur bis zum Captain oder sogar einem Verräter, jeder mit seiner eigenen einzigartigen Ausrüstung. Ihre Aufgaben führen Sie durch reichhaltige Interaktionen mit komplexen Mechanismen, ob Sie nun Ihr Inventar verwalten, den Reaktor einrichten oder sich selbst durch die Entsorgungsrohre spülen.
Wenn die Station von Katastrophen, Inkompetenz und Sabotage heimgesucht wird, steigt die Spannung - und es kommt zu neuen Situationen, die Sie vor schwierige Entscheidungen stellen. Flickst du die Krankenstation, nachdem ein Asteroid ein Loch in sie gerissen hat, oder kämpfst du um die Kontrolle, wenn der Captain von Revolutionären ermordet wird? Befreien Sie einen zu Unrecht inhaftierten Clown oder lehnen Sie sich an der Bar zurück und servieren unbekümmert Getränke?
Die Geschichte des Untergangs der Station liegt in den Händen der Spieler, und jede Runde ist ein intensives, fesselndes Erlebnis, das Lust auf mehr macht.
[h2]Jenseits von Space Station 14[/h2]
Space Station 14 ist quelloffen und extrem erweiterbar. Die Community-Server sind das Rückgrat des Spiels und können jeden Aspekt des Spiels verändern, um ein völlig anderes Spielerlebnis zu ermöglichen. Veränderte Mechaniken, unterschiedliche Rollenspiel-Atmosphären und völlig einzigartige Einstellungen sind nur einen Klick vom Server-Browser entfernt.
Als Community-Projekt sind wir immer auf der Suche nach weiteren Freiwilligen und freuen uns, wenn ihr mithelft!